Day 11

Yesterday afternoon was hard work.  I had to supervise the Carer while she made me a cake for my birthday.  She was late ‘cos my birthday was 1st May but that’s okay…. it’s nice to celebrate your birthday over several days.

You can see the recipe and the whole process I had to go through on another page: It’s Time For A Cake…

She really made me wait for my bit…..

Okay… it’s out of the tin, why can’t I have some?

She explained that while it was cooling, we could go for a walk.  I like walks….. but what about cake?????

We found this ‘thing’ sticking up from the path…. decided it was a trip hazard but we’re smart enough not to trip over it – peed on it instead!

Still she made me wait for my cake until the Bloke came home so he could have some too.


Is that all I get????

She tells me I can’t have it all at once and there will be more tomorrow.  Birthdays are good if I can have cake again. And again.  And AGAIN! 🙂

Was pretty keen to get out for walking this morning….it was important to work off the calories of the cake from last night not to mention working up an appetite for more!

It was train line walk again to day but we went a bit further along the track side this time ‘cos she reckoned there would be more things to take pictures of if we went alongside past the turnoff….that leads to nowhere:

Can’t see how the trains can work on this, can you?

It’s a nice clear path and there’s lots of new smells – I think these ones might be cows but there were none in sight. She kept stopping for more pictures which meant I had more time for sniffing around.

Can’t imagine why this was interesting….

We got all the way round to the where the road and the railway tracks meet and she stopped for even more pictures.  I don’t know what’s so important about this sign – think it might have to do with MILES and the fact that most trains don’t know what that means…..

Then we went back along the road – she said something about the train coming through soon and that we would stop and watch and take more pictures.  I can’t see anything coming – I don’t know what she’s talking about!

I take that back…. she did know it was coming….I don’t think I like how much noise it makes!

Time to head back home….we were nearly there when we saw a new Bloke in the garden across the road.  The Carer stopped to introduce me and to have a talk.  He’s pretty cross at the WALLABY that lives nearby.  Seems he planted out all his winter veggie seedlings last week and this week they’re all gone!  If the WALLABY hadn’t eaten them, he trampled on them and they were all flat.

The Carer reckons hers have survived because I’m here to guard the garden and the gates are shut all the time.  She’s also hiding all the new seedlings under netting that stops the beasties from getting too close!  The new Bloke was putting netting runs over all his long beds too in the hope that he could stop the WALLABY from eating the newest ones that are being planted today.

Flat out on the floor now….I’ve had a long morning.

One thought on “Day 11

  1. I’m excited…. the Boss sent me a message – “Birthday cake about to be woofed down in 5 seconds after it took hours to create!!”
    But maybe she reckons I eat too fast????


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